Friday, February 23, 2007


Alas! On the Wednesday past, The Jazz Workshop did not preform its weekly duty at the Red Brick. The culprit for this foul turn of events: disease!

There are five members in our band: Chris, Zach, Simone, AJ and Jon. Two members had pink eye and two members had a cold. Chris had neither pink eye or a cold and Simone had one. Simone lives with a member who had both. Both Simone and the other member were exposed to the eye itch by another member, who is a friend of Zach. AJ and Zach both like tuna fish. Jon had one disease, and possibly two, but for our purposes we attribute only one to him. Chris has had an itchy eye but refuses to scratch it. Meanwhile, AJ dropped three drumsticks.

SOOO ... who had what??

It's a mystery, my friends. Nobody knows. Suffice it to say that next Wednesday The Jazz Workshop will be back in action.

P.S. I thought I'd include a picture of conjunctivitis for your viewing pleasure, but after looking at a few myself, I found them pretty disturbing. Instead, below is a picture of another warm, fuzzy. With love...

Monday, February 5, 2007

The next gig and thoughts about rabbits.

Great news: we've got a weekly gig. That's right, from now until the end of time, we'll be playing at the Red Brick every Wednesday from 10PM-1AM. Come out and join us for an entertaining (and free) night.

Also, mark your calendars, The Jazz Workshop will play the Red Brick this Saturday, February 10 from 7 to 10 in the evening. Come pre-game with us!

In addition to all that, we're headed into the studio this week to do some recordings. You'll be able to listen to them on this site soon.

Finally, in the midst of this cold, cold weather, be sure to eat lots of food and dress in many loose fitting layers. Also, realize that the rabbit has not a thermostat to comfort him in the cold. He must find his warmth in other ways.